Darkest dungeon enabling mods
Darkest dungeon enabling mods

darkest dungeon enabling mods darkest dungeon enabling mods

Fixed issue where Hexer's "Putrefied Flesh" Debuff tooltip was incorrect.Fixed issue where Hexer gave a blue string upon using "Sanguis Metallica".Fixed issue where Veiled's Riposte couldn't crit.Fixed a bunch of issues with Veiled's HP reactions, specifically Give to the Living should function much more consistently.Fixed issue where Dredge's "Gleaming Drill" didn't always get bonus dmg vs Amberblighted targets.Fixed issue where Stonework? Hellions could appear before beating the Emergency Meeting quest.Fixed issue where it was impossible for the hero party to get surprised outside of some very specific cases (like Yngolian Spawn).

Darkest dungeon enabling mods